Join Us for a Live Google Hangout About College Finances This Wednesday at 1 p.m. EST


This Wednesday, I'll be participating in a Google+ Hangout where we'll be discussing finances for college freshmen — everything from money-saving tips to how to manage student loans to the results of a recent Real Costs of College survey.

The event is hosted by the Kin Community, and in addition to myself, the following guests will be participating:

  • Morgan Quinn from Mint
  • Catherine Alford from Budget Blonde
  • Reyna Gobel from
  • Catherine McManus from CitiBank

You can RSVP for and watch the event on Kin's event page on Google+, or in the livestream below:

Finally, if you have any questions about college finances, put them in the comments of this post, and we'll try to answer them live in the Hangout tomorrow!

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