5 Ways to Detox for Fall Without an Expensive Juice Cleanse


I've seen a lot of reporting around juice cleanses lately. (See also: 10 Spa Treatments You Can Do at Home)

Not only is the science behind them tentative at best, but they are down-right expensive. I wanted solutions to get me ready for fall that would keep my body and bank account healthy, so here are five alternatives that skip the juice and help us feel better inside and out.

1. Go Raw and Vegan

One of the main troubles with juice cleanses is that they strip the juice from all of the fiber contained in the fruits and vegetables. We need that fiber to keep us feeling full and to keep our digestive system humming. Go raw and vegan for seven days, and you'll feel cleansed without feeling deprived. Try this 7-day raw vegan detox plan, courtesy of Gourmandelle.

2. Cut the Sugar

Because the average U.S. grocery store is dominated by packaged, processed foods, we have a lot of excess sugar (and sodium) in our diets. At high levels, refined sugar is actually toxic to our bodies. One way to feel better fast is to cut refined sugar out of our diets. The 21-Day Sugar Detox offers 90, easy-to-prepare sugar-free recipes and a three-week meal planner to break our addiction to sugar while enjoying tasty, healthy food.

3. Drink More Water

Being dehydrated leads to all kinds of reactions in our bodies. We feel hungry, our energy drops, and we're likely to suffer from more aches and pains. The goal of a cleanse is to feel better; up your water intake and you'll see a short-term and long-term boost in your health.

4. Get Moving

Our bodies were made to move. As wonderful as technology is, we spend far too much time sitting still looking at a screen and it's literally killing us. Sitting too much increases our risk of chronic disease, reduces life expectancy, contributes to poor mental health, and is a leading cause of obesity. We need to get up and out into the world, literally, to feel better and live longer.

5. Laugh It Up

Rather than pledging to follow a juice cleanse, actively make it a point to laugh more. The Mayo Clinic recently found that laughter is serious medicine for what ails us. It lowers stress, stimulates internal organs, boosts immunity, relieves physical pain, and improves our mental health. What more could you ask for in a cleanse?

A change of seasons is a great time to take stock of our health. As a nutritionist friend of mine recently said, "juice cleanses are nothing more than colorful, sweetly-packaged hype." Save the money, skip the juice, and follow the five strategies above to feel your best this fall.

What are you doing to shape up for fall (and beyond)? Please share in comments!

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