Best Money Tips: Pricing Tricks That Make You Spend More


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on pricing tricks that make you spend more, ways to stop being lazy, and everyday activities that celebrate the fall season.

Top 5 Articles

7 Pricing Tricks That Make You Spend More — Stores like to push "10 for $10" deals to get you to buy more, but you don't always have to buy in bulk to get the same product for $1 each. [Money Talks News]

STOP being Lazy: 5 Ways To Make Every Day Count — Think of the first 8 hours as your foundation and try to do as much high-stakes stuff as you can. [Pick The Brain]

Celebrate Fall With These 12 Everyday Activities — Fall sunrises are more vibrant than any other season, so wake up early and enjoy the sight! [PopSugar Smart Living]

How to gauge the value of points and miles — There are two factors to consider when you're choosing a rewards program: monetary value and utility. [The Monitor]

5 Ways to Become More Energy Efficient with Your Heating System — Consider getting a tankless water heater, which provides hot water only when you need it and doesn't cause the standby energy loss that you'll find in traditional storage water heaters. [Dumb Little Man]

Other Essential Reading

How To Fall In Love With Your Budget — Experiment with different tracking methods to develop a system that works for you. [Frugal Beautiful]

How to Set Better Boundaries with Your Friends — If certain friends tend to drain you emotionally, schedule regular check-ins so you're there for them but offer a narrow time frame to prevent the conversation from spiraling endlessly. [Living Well Spending Less]

How To Be A Conscious Shopper This Holiday Season — Before you head out the door for holiday shopping, have a list of people you're buying gifts for and know exactly how much you're willing to spend on each person. [A Debt Free Stress Free Life]

How to Filter and Purify Water for Traveling, Camping, and Survival — First things first: do you know the difference between filtration and purification? [The Art of Manliness]

8 Ways to Make Sure Your Kids Eat Healthy at School — Periodically check in with your child about the foods you're packing. Do they like it? Would they like to try other options? [Parenting Squad]

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